The VergeSense Gateway is a Rigado Cascade-500W (LTE) device that communicates with the local network of VergeSense sensors to aggregate local occupancy data. The data is transmitted to a cloud server by tapping into an internal IT network or via a cellular backhaul, or routed to an internal network.
In a typical office environment, we suggest using one gateway per 50 devices. The sensors form a wireless mesh network with the gateway being the transfer point from the mesh network to the cloud. The maximum distance from the gateway to the nearest sensor in the wireless mesh should not exceed 40 feet.
Ideally, several sensors in the wireless mesh will be in close proximity to the gateway to ensure a reliable path back to the gateway across the wireless sensor mesh.
Gateway Location
Using the Installer Tool, find the gateway location on the map.
Power Requirements
Power can be delivered through power over ethernet or by plugging the provided AC/DC Power Adapter into a wall outlet.
The gateway communicates to the sensors in the wireless mesh using a 2.4GHz radio signal. The radio signal can be blocked by humans, panels of glass, metal framing, computer monitors and any combination of metal, glass or water. For optimum radio performance the gateway should be in line of sight with several sensors, and above human head height.
If a suspended ceiling is employed at the place of installation, for aesthetic reasons it may be viable to install the gateway above the suspended ceiling times. As long as the ceiling tiles are not constructed out of metal, glass or contain liquids.
Wall & Ceiling Mount: The gateway kit comes with a mounting bracket that allows for the gateway to be mounted onto a wall or ceiling as shown in the image below.
Special consideration should be given to any metal near the mounting area. Mount away from any metal surfaces such as metal ceiling tiles, shelves, cabinets, HVAC ducts, and other obstacles. For example, at sites with metal ceiling tiles, gateways should be mounted high on the wall instead of the metal ceiling.
For optimal range, it is best to install gateway facing towards the coverage area. Maintain clear line of sight or minimize obstacles to desired coverage areas.
Antennas (if applicable)
If your gateway did not ship with antennae this step can be skipped.
If your gateway shipped with antennae, antennae should be hand tightened. They should be mounted facing up and angled away from metal for optimal cellular signal strength.
Confirming Connectivity
When functioning as expected, the gateway will have one solid green light.
When first booting up, the LED will pass through the following states:
Commissioning the Gateway
Before the Gateway is permanently installed, look at the bottom (mount side) and record the unit Serial Number in the Installer Tool.
Once connected, confirm timestamp is recent
Select Publish
Restart the device if it is having issues connecting
The green gateway icon indicates a successful installation. The wireless network is now setup and VergeSense sensors can start communicating to the gateway.
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