The Installer Tool feature guides installers through the implementation of VergeSense devices. These include gateways and sensors. Using the tool, installers can commission, verify connectivity, and confirm coverage. The installer can also notify VergeSense once the installation is complete.
Gateway Installation
Using the installer tool you can:
Enter gateway ID
Check connectivity
Sensor Installation
Using the installer tool you can:
Enter sensor ID
Check connectivity
Verify field-of-view coverage
Accept Coverage area
Get a new updated debug image
Flag and add notes
Rotate and move a sensor icon
Enter Sensor ID
The ID is printed on the label on the side of the device.
Check Connectivity
When the ID is entered a timer will begin. Once the sensor connects, a green check mark will indicate connectivity. The last report time will also be shown.
Verify Field-of-View Coverage and Publish
The field-of-view or coverage area can be viewed once the sensor connects. There is a timestamp at the bottom of the image indicating the time taken. The sensor can be published if the desired space is captured. This will change the icon color to green.
Rebooting Sensors and Updating Debug Images
All sensor types have the option to select "Get Sensor View" (L208, E104, E105) or "Reboot Sensor" (L302) which will refresh the debug image if required. The new image may take up to 10 minutes to update.
Flagging and Adding Notes
The installer tool can be used to flag sensors with issues or required adjustments such as a rotation or move. This will bring attention to the device by changing the icon color to red. Choose flag option, add any needed detailed notes and hit save.
After the issue has been resolved, please clear the flagged sensor. You can find this under the notes of the sensor. Click on 3 dots and then hit clear flag. Then review updated debug, accept and publish the sensor.
Notes can be added without flagging a sensor. This will create a note without changing the icon color.
Rotating and Moving a Sensor Icon
If the adjustments require the sensor to be moved or rotated, the installer can update the sensor icon to match the installed position. Note: You cannot delete or add a sensor here.
Select a sensor
Select Edit
Select sensor icon
Rotate or move as installed
Repeater Installation
Instructions for installing repeaters can be found here.
Using the installer tool you can:
Enter repeater ID
Send Summary
Once installation is complete, send a summary to notify VergeSense.
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