Required Installation Steps
The following steps must be completed via the VergeSense Install Tool. By the end of the installation, all devices should appear in the green installed state and the floor should be submitted to VergeSense. Upon submission, VergeSense will begin our commissioning process to associate each sensor with spaces in the analytics platform.
Enter device IDs in the Installer Tool (including all sensors and gateways). Sensor IDs are printed on the side of the sensor and gateway IDs are printed on the front of the gateway.
Confirm device connectivity (including all sensors and gateways)
Timestamp for the gateway connection should be recent (i.e. “A few minutes ago”)
Verify sensor coverage area
The sensor coverage area should match the map (i.e. if the map shows 4 desks to be covered, check that the view from the sensors covers all 4 desks and seats)
If the field of view is not accurate be sure to move the sensor to fix the field of view
Publish all devices
Confirm the device ID is entered
Confirm the device is online
For sensors only
Verify sensor coverage area
Accept coverage area
Note: VergeSense can only commission and provide feedback on sensors that are installed AND published so this step is imperative
Double-check connectivity and battery health
Navigate to the System Health tab
Under Device Health, pull up each floor and check all devices have a recent last report time and all sensors have a healthy battery level.
Wired sensors are expected to report either every 30 seconds or 1 minute.
Wireless sensors are expected to report at a minimum of once per hour.
Submit the floor to VergeSense for review and commissioning
Once the floor is installed, select Step 3 in the Installer Tool, add any relevant notes and click Submit to VergeSense.
This will send a notification to VergeSense to review the installation and commission the floor.
Flag problematic sensors
Use the Installer Tool to flag any sensors experiencing issues (e.g. cannot retrieve a new sensor view after multiple reboot attempts, floor plan in the Installer Tool does not match the actual furniture layout on site, cannot access a portion of the floor, etc.). When flagging sensors, use the Notes feature to describe the issue.
EN-1 Entryway Sensor Commissioning
EN-1 Entryway sensors require additional commissioning steps to be performed in the Entryway Installer Tool.
Entryway commissioning steps include sensor settings configuration, marking the scene floor and count line, and testing each count line.
Additional Features Available in the Installer Tool:
The following can be achieved in the VergeSense Installer Tool without VergeSense assistance.
Rotate sensor icon
Select sensor > Edit
Rotate the sensor orientation as needed to match the physically installed orientation.
Move sensor icon
Select sensor > Edit
Move the sensor on the map to the physically installed location.
Edit Gateway ID
Select gateway > Edit
Confirm the ID on the physical gateway matches with the ID in the Installer Tool for the corresponding gateway icon, otherwise, edit it to match.
Edit Sensor ID
Select sensor > Edit
Confirm the ID on the physical sensor matches with the ID in the installer tool for the corresponding sensor icon, otherwise, edit it to match.
Get a new sensor view
If a new sensor view is needed:
Wired sensors: Select the sensor in the Installer Tool and select Get Sensor View. This will refresh the view for the next 24 hours; it may take up to 10 minutes for the first new view to appear.
Wireless sensors: There are two options to request a new sensor view for wireless sensors. Each option will update the view every 10 minutes for 50 minutes. It may take up to 15 minutes for the first new view to appear. Reboot sensors one at a time to avoid overloading the gateway.
Manually reboot the sensor by holding the button on the side of the sensor. Sensor LEDs should flash to indicate a successful reboot.
Select the sensor in the Installer Tool and select Reboot Sensor.
Tasks Requiring VergeSense Assistance:
The following tasks are not yet self-service, thus requiring assistance from VergeSense to perform. Reach out to your VergeSense Project Manager or Implementation Specialist for help with these tasks:
Add or remove devices (sensors and gateways)
Advanced troubleshooting that cannot be resolved with the instructions above
Update furniture floor plan layouts or space data
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