Installer Tool Commissioning: Entryway Sensors

Accessing the Entryway Installer Tool

All the following steps should be performed within the Entryway Installer Tool once the sensor is connected.

This process is to be completed for each installed EN-1 sensor and should be taken prior to commissioning in the VergeSense Installer Tool.

Access the Entryway Installer Tool at

Reach out to the VergeSense team if you have not been granted access.

Once logged in, navigate to the installation account and building and select Device Control.

You will see a list of all EN-1 sensors assigned to your account.

Select the Web UI to begin commissioning.

Note: If you need to add sensors to the list, select Import and enter the MAC address when prompted. Select Submit.

EN-1 IBEX Commissioning

Launch the Startup Wizard

Select Start with current settings when prompted

Welcome to the Setup Wizard

  • Language: English
  • Timezone: select the timezone the sensor is in
  • Select the country the device is in
  • Measuring Unit: Metric

The wizard can be started by selecting the Start button. At any step of the wizard, you can stop by selecting the Cancel button. The setup wizard can be started or restarted at any given time in the Config view.

Network Settings & Identification

Step one is the wizard is asking for the network settings and identification naming. The sensor can be run with DHCP or a fixed IP address. This is also the point where you can opt to specify a name and a group for the sensor. By selecting Next, the network settings are applied to the sensor.


If the XML file has loaded, do not change any of these settings

Sensor Settings I

On the next page, you need to specify some base settings for the sensor operation.

First, the mounting height needs to be set as accurately as possible.

Second, please specify the power frequency for your country of operation and the frequency of the electric power grid in your country. This parameter is important to adjust the frame rate accordingly. 50Hz is used in most parts of Europe, Africa, and Australia, and 60 Hz is used in North America, parts of Asia, and South America.

Selecting Next makes sure these settings are applied to the sensor.

Sensor Settings II

Orientation of the FOV is not impactful on the performance of the sensor. The orientation should be logically based on the view and installation site. Please install in the orientation as indicated by the VergeSense installation plan when provided.


On the next screen, as shown in the last figure, the scene image can be rotated by 180 degrees if you so wish. This can be useful if your perspective of the scene view differs from the orientation of the mounted sensor. The orientation is applied by selecting Next.

Mark the Scene Floor

For VergeSense, mark the entire floor space within the FOV. Exclude any walls or furniture, only marking walkable space.

The floor is marked or masked by selecting the drawing tool Floor and directly drawing the whole floor as a polygon in the scene. With the floor tool activated, you can simply select the scene image to draw the corners and boundaries by selecting and pulling on a drawn line. You can finish working on a floor area in many ways: a) by selecting the first corner again, b) by double-clicking to create the last corner, c) by disabling the floor tool or d) by pressing [Esc] on the keyboard. After finishing a floor area, you are asked to name it (see the following figure); a default name is always proposed. All scene elements must have a unique name, as is the case across the board (for other scene elements like count lines and count zones).


At this point, however, the floor item will be the first scene element added so you do not need to be too descriptive with the name at this stage. After specifying a name, the floor is automatically added to the scene element list on the right. There can also be more than one floor area or element.

The marked floor is applied when you select Next.

Re-Calibrate Sensor

The recalibration process is a software fine-tuning for the sensor. In combination with the defined floor mask, it will even the “real” floor and create a homogeneous tracking area. This process is highly recommended and can help to solve tracking issues.

The wizard will now ask if a re-calibration should be applied. It is recommended to re-calibrate the sensor when installing it for the first time in a new location.

When performing the recalibration, the scene should be static with no motion within the FOV.

The recalibration can only work if you have already defined a floor and the sensor is not overly tilted. While mounting a sensor facing perpendicularly to the floor will work best, a tilt of up to 15° in either direction is doable. Up to 60° are supported by the software, but not recommended due to poor performance later on.

Please do not place the sensor on its side when you are testing it; e.g. on your desk, since this 90° tilt will lead to an out-of-range error.

The recalibration process runs entirely on the sensor with no special requirements to network connection quality or bandwidth.

Once completed, the WebUI shows a success confirmation.

Validate the Person Size

On the next screen, the user is asked to determine the average person's height. This is important to ensure an accurate distance measurement by the sensor. In most cases, especially on mounting heights below 3.5 meters (ca. 11.5 feet), a person's height will be quite exact without an additional correction (precision is better than +/- 10 cm or 4 in). In some situations, however, the sensor might not be able to correctly measure the scene and thus measures people's heights incorrectly. If the average person's height or the sizes printed on the bubbles within the scene seem to be unrealistic, a correction can be applied. For this, the toggle switch in the Correct person size box on the right must be set to Yes. Now, using the slider, a height correction can be applied.


When you use the slider, the correction is automatically applied to the scene, so the effect can be observed immediately. Also, the average person's height is reset every time the slider is moved.

Please note that person heights do shrink a bit near the border of the scene when leaving/entering the sensor's FOV, so it is especially important to look at heights in the center of the scene (most accurate). The average person's height uses the maximum height of each person detected within the scene itself, so it is the more representative measurement.

After determining person's height, any adjustment is applied to the sensor after selecting Next.

Setup the Counting Items

In the next window, you can complete the counting setup.

Coordinate Mode


The coordinate mode allows you to choose where you want to show the tracking of a person, either at his/her head or at his/her feet.

When toggling between the two coordinate modes, the sensor will automatically apply the changed mode and switch the display of the person's positions (or bubbles) accordingly.

Select Foot for Vergesense threshold application.

Scene View Controls

The scene view offers several controls which can be helpful when setting up the counting elements.


The first control, the video checkbox, permits you to activate or deactivate the live video.

When you select the start/stop checkbox, the generation and deletion points of all people will be displayed as green and red dots. This allows you to analyze where people start getting picked up by the sensor and where they get "dropped" again. With this point map, a count line can be easily adjusted to ensure that not a single person (who belongs in a specific count) is missed.

Select the start/stop checkbox for VergeSense thresholding applications

Start/Stop map visualizes the generation and deletion points of people.

As with the live map's paths, when the start/stop checkbox gets unchecked, the points will disappear from the scene and be reset.

Drawing the Count Items in the Scene View

Count Line

A count line measures the number of people crossing a defined line. Forward and backward crossings are counted separately. A line thus has a directional property, i.e. an orientation. This orientation is indicated with a centered arrow indicating the direction of forward counts (see the following figure).

A line can be drawn by selecting the drawing tool Line and directly drawing the corners of the line in the scene image. A line is finished with a double-click on the last corner, by a double-click to create the last corner, by disabling the drawing tool Line or by pressing [Esc] on the keyboard. After finishing a line, you are asked to name it.

The count line configuration displays the dialog box in the following figure:


The first text field allows you to change the name of the count line.

Give the count line a descriptive name that will be easy to identify later. As a rule of thumb: use the forward orientation of the green arrow to point to the space of interest. Names like “Forward-Lobby West Entrance” or "Forward-restroom".

After the line is created, the orientation button can be selected to flip the arrow direction. Be sure to select Save after making any changes.

In the example below, the count line is changed to indicate the forward direction to the restroom. It is then named "Forward-mens_restroom".

Count Mode

The drop-down menu located just below allows you to specify the count mode of this count line.

The count mode defines how you wish to analyze or process line crossings. A line crossing is when a person crosses a drawn line. This means that while a crossing can be a candidate for a line count, it is not necessarily a line count in and of itself. So, you can have one person crossing a given line several times and depending on how you define your counting parameters, this will be just one count (accurate) or several counts (inaccurate). These two different count modes are defined below:

In/Out Count

The first line crossing of a person is updated immediately in the system. When the person exits on the same side of the line from where they crossed it, this count will be updated – also as soon as this happens, the person gets "deleted" from the defined zone. This mode is activated by default.

Late Count

Every single person’s line crossings are only evaluated and counted once the person leaves the scene. Forward and backward counts of an individual on the same line cancel each other out. That way, multiple counting of one person who happens to move backward and forward in the region of the count line does not occur. This is the preferred mode to get an exact counting per person (with the limitation of possible delayed counter updates), because the counters are only updated once a person leaves the scene.

Select late count mode for VergeSense thresholding applications

Best Practice: Placement of a count line

Taking a look at a common example below, the red and green dots within the green box represent the entryway's entry/exit points (known as start/stop points). This map can be seen under Analytics after the sensor setup is completed.


The count line should be behind the highest concentration of start/stop points. Notice that it is a three-part line that "wraps" around the entrance to properly capture activity. This results in:


Example count lines


Privacy Mode


After setting up the counting items, the next window allows you to define the privacy mode. VergeSense privacy settings are Level 0 at the time of installation and commissioning.

Date & Time

The following figure shows the wizard asking you to set the sensor's date, time, and units. Type in the URL of the time server you want to use in the text field Time server.


By selecting Next, the date and time settings are automatically applied to the sensor. The sensor will try to connect to the NTP server and apply the new time immediately. If this time is in the future (relative to the time previously set on the sensor), the browser session token might expire. The login screen will appear and you will have to log in again. The wizard will not reappear, but all settings are saved and applied. You do not need to restart the wizard. If the NTP cannot be reached immediately, this expiration might happen again with the next connection attempt 15 minutes later.

Finishing the Wizard

Once you have set the date and time, the setup wizard will be completed by selecting Finish. After applying all settings to the sensor, the wizard will end with the following message:


After you select OK, the wizard will be closed and the live view is automatically loaded.

You can now proceed with testing the sensor.


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