Installation Vendor Communication Checklist

  Needed Communication Timing Type of Visit Notes (if applicable)


Tech onsite check-in Start of project Installation  
2 End-of-day status Before Tech leaves Installation Next steps, where things currently are, how many sensors have been installed, how many are left to be installed, etc.
3 Tech breaks Before Tech goes on break Installation When will they be back?
4 Wrap-up 1 hr before Tech is leaving Installation Gives VergeSense the ability to decide what should be prioritized with installation vs what can be done separately with the customer.
5 The furniture does not match the floor plan During install Installation Provide notes on markup/map and a photo of the location.
6 Incremental check-ins During install Installation Expect to hear from the team at least once every 1-2 hours.
7 Need to clearly ID which sensors are being worked on During install Installation New debug image ready for review (e.g., sensor ABC-123 is ready vs. Fl 2 is ready).
8 The device does not have connectivity During install Installation Details of the device (ID and floor) need to be clearly communicated, as customer and/or Support will need to be engaged.
9 Tech and/or team is late to arrive During install Installation What is the impact? Will they stay late or makeup time another day? How is this tracked? How is this communicated PROACTIVELY to the customer?
10 Tech Onsite Checkin Start of Project Go-Back  
11 Tech Breaks Before Tech Goes on Break Go-Back When will they be back?
12 Wrap-up 1 Hr before Tech is Leaving Go-Back Gives VS the ability to decide what should be prioritized with installation vs maybe can be done separately with the customer.
13 Sensor Adjusted and Needs to be Checked After the sensor is adjusted Go-Back  
14 The furniture does not match the floor plan During site visit Go-Back Provide notes on markup/map and a photo of the location.
15 Tech/team is late to arrive During site visit Go-Back What is the impact? Will they stay late or makeup time another day? How is this tracked? How is this communicated PROACTIVELY to the customer?
16 Tech onsite check-in Start of Project Maintenance  
17 Tech breaks Before Tech Goes on Break Maintenance When will they be back?
18 The furniture does not match the floor plan During site visit Maintenance Provide notes on markup/map and a photo of the location.
19 Incremental check-ins During install Maintenance Expect to hear from the team at least once every 1-2 hours.
20 Tech/team is late to arrive During site visit Maintenance What is the impact? Will they stay late or makeup time another day? How is this tracked? How is this communicated PROACTIVELY to the customer?
21 Troubleshooting During site visit Maintenance Provide details of what troubleshooting steps have been done, and how this affected the device. Attach a video of the LED pattern of the device. Please wait for support to provide further troubleshooting steps if the initially provided steps didn't help.


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