Analytics Charts, Graphs, and Tables



Person Count Overview: By Day/Hour, By Day, By Hour

The Person Count Overview chart includes the peak or average person counts by day and hour. The goal of this visualization is to offer a more robust and interactive way to interpret utilization data. Users can select the data heatmap, which is by Day and Hour, only By Day, or only By Hour. 

The darker the shade of purple, the more people were in the building, floor, space type, or space group during the hour. If the day/hour is in the future (if you selected "this week" or "today" in the time selector) and therefore there is no data to display, it will appear as null (-). 


If you have selected % in the top row, then the chart will update with Peak or Average Capacity Usage. For either view of the heatmap, the darker the purple the more people were detected during that hour of the day. 

Note: If you have not set the capacity of your Building, Floor, or Spaces, then the by Day/Hour heatmap will only have gray boxes. Set the Capacity for your Building or Floor in Settings. Null (indicated by a dash) boxes indicate that the hour is in the future or there is no data available. 

Space Usage Timeline

Learn more about the Space Usage Timeline in this dedicated Help Center Article: 

Space Usage Timeline

Note: The Space Usage Timeline only appears at the Building level and below - the Space Usage Timeline will not appear on the Portfolio (all buildings) level. 

Person Count Timeline 

The Person Count Timeline includes the peak or average person count over time - currently users are able to select whether they view this by day or by hour.

Future enhancements to this chart include Peak and Average in the same view, and additional insights powered by Workplace Assistant to include the average of the daily peak (the peak for each day in the time selected, divided by the number of days). 

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 9.39.10 AM.png


By Space Type

The by Space Type chart shows the peak or average person count or capacity usage by space type - users are able to update the chart based on Capacity (the sum of the capacity for all the spaces in the space type) or by peak or average capacity usage (for all of the spaces in the space type). This view is only available at the Building level and below, and will not appear in the Portfolio (all buildings) view. 

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 9.45.50 AM.png


Learn more about how Peak and Average person count is calculated in our Metrics articles. 


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