Comparing Buildings & Floors


Compare Buildings

When Comparing buildings, you are able to easily compare Average & Peak Capacity Usage for some or all buildings in your portfolio.

It’s important to keep in mind that coverage and capacity matter here - if one building is more covered by VergeSense than another, it’s important that the capacity of each building has been set (in Settings --> Building Settings) to reflect if the capacity is either the sum of the covered spaces in the building or the capacity of the entire building (based on what’s actually being measured).

This report allows you to understand building by building performance and high level indication of which buildings may require additional focus/investigation or which can be used as examples of successful RTO policies.

The Compare Buildings report includes Average & Peak Capacity Usage by building, Average Capacity Usage Trends by building, and Peak Capacity Usage Trends by building. 




Compare Floors

Comparing floors within a building allows you to quickly identify which floors may be performing as expected or which may require a closer look.


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Similar to buildings, it’s important to keep in mind that coverage and capacity matter here - if one floor is more covered by VergeSense than another (ex: only a few spaces are being measured by VergeSense on one floor, with no Entryway measurement vs a Floor covered by Entryway), it’s important that the capacity has been set to reflect the sum of the covered spaces on the floor, rather than the capacity of the entire floor.

The Compare Floors report includes Average & Peak Capacity Usage by floor, Average Capacity Usage Trends by floor, and Peak Capacity Usage Trends by floor. 


For a closer look at how Space Types are performing against each other, navigate to Compare Space Types within Comparisons. 




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